Saturday, 26 May 2012

Just Another Sketch; inspired by Dika Toolkit

Just to sum up sketches inside my sketchbook, I tried re-drawing Dika's art work.

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Inspiration ; Dika Toolkit

 Dika Toolkit - as he called himself, is an illustrator from Jakarta, Indonesia.

He inspires me a lot, from the way he draw I can say that he is the type of person that I wanted to draw like. 

Here are some of his sketches;

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Concept Character ; Lesson Two Pt. II

Stage 1

Stage 2
Grey Ink?

Stage 3
Black Ink

Concept Character ; Lesson Two

For this task, we were told to do another figure drawing using different media such as;

Black Ink

White Ink

What do you think?

Concept Character ; Lesson One Pt. II

And on the same day we were asked to do another fast and active figure drawing. We were taught to put more tone and details to create visible muscles and curves. 

What do you think?

First Thing First

Welcome to my very first blog ever, glad you could make it. I have no idea where to start as I have never done a blog before but whatever that means, I am here to show and perhaps be talking a little much as I can about the development of my drawings; as in the techniques that I have used or practiced with for my Concept Art project which will feature life drawings to create possible characters. On the other hand, it is to visualize the characters in others' perspective and way of thinking.

Concept Character ; Lesson One

Here, we were given task to draw a man from an image of a book using only charcoal and in the end to be able to discuss and create a character out of it.

What do you think?

Life Drawing

In this task, we had a real model for us to draw. Basically we were to draw following the visible outlines of her figure and following the possible way to measure the body parts so that our drawing will stay in proportion.